Expanding Community Michele Di Leo

Never say it Could Never Happen : How Trump’s victory could unleash Political Change in Europe

Does Trump’s victory have political implications for other Western countries? Michele Di Leo analyzes how “Trumpism” could potentially promote some of the most drastic political change seen in the 21st century.

Carter Vance Defense Diplomatic Relations Intelligence & National Security Society, Culture, and Security The United States of America

Trump’s Popularity Shows NATO’s Need to Justify Itself

The recent popularity of Donald Trump’s and others anti-NATO platforms marks the need for NATO to convey it’s legitimacy . Carter Vance explains how now more than ever NATO needs to reaffirm its importance to its constituent publics

Investment Marko Gombac Security, Trade and the Economy The United States of America

Why you Should Pay Attention to Trump on his Bank Busting Political Strategy

The Republicans are trying to take the role of Bank Reformists away from the Democrats. Marko Gombac explains how this political strategy highlights important problems in the west’s economy