Canada Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Immigration Intelligence & National Security Iraq Islamic State Kurds Megan Spurrell Refugee The Middle East and North Africa Uncategorized

#Welcomeallrefugees: How Canada’s Refugee Policy Strengthens our Security and Society

Megan argues that the influx of Syrian refugees to Canada are a source of strength, not security concerns

David Hunter Defense Expanding Community International Relations NATO Peace & Conflict Studies Peace & Security Russia Security Society Terrorism Uncategorized

The “New Cold War”: Pt. 1

Russia recently produced an image of a secret nuclear warhead capable of devastating the United States with a 500ft tsunami able to destroy every living thing within 1000 miles. It was of course just “a leak”. If history has anything to say, however, it is very likely that this was a premeditated strategic military move. Read More…

Media Uncategorized

NAOC in the News

The NATO Association of Canada would like to highlight the media appearances of one of our Directors, Mr. Jeff Hull this past weekend. Mr. Hull spoke to CP24 in Toronto about the security implications of the terrorist attacks on November 13, 2015, in Paris and possible ripple effects in the global financial world. He additionally discussed Read More…

Canada Climate Change Defence Spending Defense Development Diplomatic Relations Eastern Europe and Russia Energy & Resources Europe Ian Goertz International Relations NATO NATO and Canada Russia Search and Rescue Security The Arctic The United States of America Trade Uncategorized

Stavanger 2015—Looking ahead to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (Pt. 3)

In Part 3 of this ongoing series, Ian examines a draft by the Science and Technology Committee concerning emerging challenges and opportunities in the Arctic; an important issue at the upcoming Assembly in Stavanger, Norway.