Among rising tensions between the US and North Korea, the Canadian government is facing more urgent calls to join.
7. Themes
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Securitizing US Foreign Policy: The Rise of Militarism in American Diplomacy
Although securitization has provided the US military a broader role and influence, Jayson Derow analyzes the resulting imbalance of resources and authority in US foreign policy management.
The Strategic Race for “Algorithmic Warfare” and AI Development
President Putin calls artificial intelligence “the future” and has increased R&D for militarized AI. Another technological race for global supremacy is on.
The War in Afghanistan: What Now?
The war is headed down an uncertain path as President Trump renews US commitment to the conflict.
NATO’s Future in Sub-Saharan African and the South China Sea
Karl Ngo investigates what a shift in NATO’s direction would mean to its current military support in Sub-Saharan Africa and its possible involvement in the South China Sea territorial dispute.
Does Donald Trump represent a new era of US-Israeli relations?
Israel and the US seem to be closer to the same page than ever in recent history. The only question that remains is whether the status quo is more comfortable.
Nuclear Strategy from an Iranian Perspective
Experts often discuss Iran’s intention to continue pursuing a nuclear breakout strategy. However, a look through an Iranian perspective and its tenuous Islamic project says otherwise.
Coffee Talk: Report Card on Obama
Fadi Dawood and Michael Lumbers discuss Obama’s presidency on the day Trump is inaugurated.
Is the US Serious about Moving its Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem?
Among Donald Trump’s many audacious foreign policy proposals, he has seriously considered moving the US’ embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This would be a globally unprecedented move that could destabilize the Middle East for years to come.
NATO Has No Good Options in Syria
The West’s ability to influence the Syrian civil war is very limited. In the interest of relieving suffering, the first thing we must do is dispel some myths about what is possible.