In Part One of his two-part series, Christopher Scarvelis discusses a perspective in favor of opening country borders.
Renewal for the Canadian Rangers
Paul Pryce highlights the upcoming procurement of a new rifle for the Canadian Rangers, an important branch of the Canadian Army. After 70 years, a replacement was sorely needed.
Is China Greece’s Plan B?
In the midst of extenuating circumstances, can Greece turn to China for help?
Greece is Not Argentina: Perspectives on the Expected Greek Default
With the impending Greek crisis coming to a head, what is the prospective for an economic recovery?
Is Dodd-Frank the Catalyst for the Next Global Crisis?
Are the Dodd-Frank regulations an impetus for the next great global economic crisis?
Unsustainable Forces
Kelsey Berg looks at the Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) recent acquisition of the Cyclone Helicopters and its procurement strategy. Additionally, she explores the gap between the current structure of the CAF’s available funding, the ‘ambition-capability’ gap and how this will affect the future of the CAF.
Five Things You Need to Know About the ‘Grexit’
The Greece situation lies at the heart of the world economy. Learn more about it here.
Moving Beyond Petrocaribe: Pitfalls and Opportunities in Latin American and Caribbean Energy Politics [Part II]
In the second part of a two-part series, Marta Canneri examines opportunities for Canada to show leadership in the Latin American and Caribbean energy sector.
Why Canadians Should Care About the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Most Canadians don’t know anything about the Trans-Pacific Partnership. They really should.
Sanctions: Turning Russia Eastward
Kristyn Byrnes discusses how escalating violence in Ukraine is likely to extend Western sanctions against Russia while Putin looks to China for survival.