Afghanistan Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Development Diplomatic Relations Eastern Europe and Russia Expanding Community Global Governance Hasan Siddiqui International Relations Investment NATO Naval Issues Naval Issues Naval Modernization Peace & Conflict Studies Peace & Security Procurement Russia Security Technology The Arctic Uncategorized

Bearing Down: Modernizing Russia’s Armed Forces

Hasan Siddiqui articulates Russia’s military ambitions, contextualizes it within the broader geopolitical situation in Europe as well as analysing NATO’s attitude towards it.

Defense Diplomatic Relations International Relations NATO NATO and Canada Security Syria Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa Trevor Schenk

The Barbarians Are at the Gates: NATO, Turkey and the Syrian Quagmire

Trevor Schenk discusses the implications of Turkey’s policy towards Syria and if it can be trusted as a reliable ally in the fight against the Islamic State.

Adena Eliasoph Canada Defense Diplomatic Relations Saudi Arabia Security, Trade and the Economy The Middle East and North Africa

Business as Usual: A Spotlight on Saudi Arabia’s Troubling Human Rights Record

Adena Eliasoph explores the new Canada-Saudi arms deal, and the potential issues associated with conducting business with a nation that maintains a disregard for human rights.

Canadian Armed Forces Defense NATO Rights Security Victoria Heath Women in Security

“Three Leafs” for the Woman In Blue: Lieutenant-General Christine Whitecross

Lieutenant-General Christine Whitecross becomes the first “three leaf” general in the Canadian Armed Forces. This appointment comes alongside the uncovered reports of sexual misconduct in the CF.