Samir Mourani examines the approach the United States is taking to target the Islamic State and how the Obama administration finds itself at a crossroads with Bashar al-Assad and his Syrian regime.
The United States of America
Will Iraq’s Kurds Go it Alone?
With the Islamic State’s capture of Sinjar, Alexander Liatsis weighs in on the prospect of Kurdish independence from Iraq.
Criticism and Secrecy of the Trans Pacific Partnership
Piotr Zulauf examines the issues surrounding the landmark Trans Pacific Partnership deal currently under negotiation.
Combating the Spread of International Diseases: The International Health Regulations
Alex Grigg explains the current state of international health regulations, and what has shaped them up to this point.
NATO’s Much Needed Status Quo: Pre-Emptive Response
David Hunter discusses NATO moving to a more proactive role in defense of member nations.
Washington’s Latest African Summit: Why Obama Wants to Boost US-African Relations
In light of the deadly outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa, Carlos Abarca examines president Obama’s renewed commitment to strengthening US-African relations.
The Case for Improved US-Iran Relations
Seoren A’Garous examines how the international community and the United States can benefit from improved US-Iran relations.
A New ‘Big Honking Ship’: Examining the American Options (Part II/V)
In Part II/V, Christopher Cowan discusses the Royal Canadian Navy’s possible American options for the procurement of an amphibious assault ship.
The Logistics of a Superpower
Paul Pryce discusses the importance of naval and air bases to American power projection – and their vulnerability to public opinion.
A Tale of Desperation and Neglect: America’s Responsibilities and the Central American Child Refugee Crisis
Alex Langer examines the refugee crisis in Central America and discusses why the US is responsible for it.