Steven Chadwick explores the future of warfare as aeronautics technology becomes increasingly advanced.
The Arctic
Arctic Region
Security Implications of Climate Change in the Canadian Arctic
Steven Chadwick explores the security implications of climate change in the Canadian arctic.
Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction – Part 2 of 2
In Part II, Steven Chadwick addresses the capacity of terrorist organizations to acquire chemical weapons while examining NATO’s Role in WMD non-proliferation.
Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction – Part 1 of 2
In Part I, Steven Chadwick addresses the capacity of terrorist organizations to acquire nuclear and biological weapons.
Geopolitics Go North: Canada and Russia Have to Start Talking Again
Fallout from the Ukrainian crisis may reach as far as the Arctic circle if diplomatic relations continue to deteriorate.
The Environment on Ice
Julia Baldesarra discusses the impact of climate change on indigenous Arctic peoples’ well-being and way of life.
The Scramble for the Arctic
Christian Paas-Lang discusses questions of Arctic ownership.
EU and the Arctic Part 2: Capacity and Convergence
In the final part of a series, Georgi Ivanov discusses the possibilities for EU involvement in the Arctic.
The EU and the Arctic Part 1: Policy Prospects
In the first of a two-part series, Georgi Ivanov examines the prospects of EU involvement in the Arctic.
The Cold War Gives Way to a Warm Front
NATO has the opportunity to become involved in the climate change debate as sustainability concerns grow.