Nancy Kanwal discusses strengths and limitations of recommendations outlined in the UN Women’s Progress of the World’s Women 2015-2016.
Women in Security
Women in Security covers a wide-range of issues as it explores the link between women, security, and development. As a forum to stimulate discussion and instructive debates, the NATO Association of Canada will examine the ways in which women both contribute to and are the focus of Canadian and NATO defence and security initiatives. This program also offers a critical look at the structures and institutions that shape the role of women in security at home and abroad.
Discrimination Against Female Legal Guardians in Jordan
Seema Kawar sheds light on the discrimination against female legal guardians in Jordan.
Women Are Game Changers in Countering Violent Extremism: Part Two
Part Two of a series examining women’s role in countering violent extremism (CVE). This article discusses the need to focus on individuality in CVE programs particularly in regards to women, as well as integrating the interests of women’s groups in CVE efforts.
Women Are Game Changers in Countering Violent Extremism: Part One
Part One of a two part series, Victoria examines the role of women in countering violent extremism (CVE) as well as the dialogue generated by CVE think-tanks and international organizations regarding this issue.
A Human Rights Approach to Economic Equality: Part One
Examination of the most recent UN Women report, “Progress of the World’s Women 2015-2016” and the work that still remains to realize gender equality.
Child Policy and Maternal Health Laws as a Form of Oppression in Burma
A brief look at how maternal health and child policies in Burma may be used to oppress ethnic minorities.
Canada in the World: Youth Dialogue on Women, Peace and Security
Canada in the World: Youth Dialogue on Women, Peace and Security Published May 2015 The Atlantic Council of Canada is proud to present its first publication focused on Women, Peace and Security: Canada in the World: Youth Dialogue on Women, Peace and Security. The publication is a joint-effort by ACC members, Junior Research Fellows and external contributors. It was Read More…
A New Opportunity or an Additional Roadblock to Progress? Context to the right to drive campaigns in Saudi Arabia
Victoria examines the new realities for the right to drive campaigns in Saudi Arabia, including the possible opportunities and roadblocks.
Colombian Women: The Key to Ending Five Decades of Conflict?
In her analysis of the ongoing Colombian peace process, Ashley reviews the role of bringing a gender perspective to disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programs.
Prospects for Gender Equality in Saudi Arabia
Despite the limited political gains made by Saudi women, many barriers to achieving gender equality remain.