A major shakeup is in the offing amid the senior ranks of the Canadian military.
4. Programs
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Canada’s Turn to Lead the Arctic: Focus and Priorities
As Sweden cedes its two-year leadership of the Arctic Council this year, it will be Canada’s turn to lead the Arctic nations, starting in May. Already, speculation is growing about what priorities Canada will be setting under its tenure, with the foci drifting between the environment, drilling, shipping and mineral resource development. In the next Read More…
Following the Aid Money
Gus Constantinou, the NATO Council’s UN commentator, discusses the Syrian refugee crisis, humanitarian aid and organizational inaction.
Friend or Foe? The Peculiarity of NATO-Russia Relations
In taking account of some recent events and interactions between the two sides, Aaron Willschick examines the peculiarity and unpredictability of the NATO-Russia relationship.
TPL: Presents Diamond Jubilee Medal to Luke Schenn
On Monday, February 11th, 2013, True Patriot Love Foundation was proud to present Luke Schenn with a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal.
Macleans: In Conversation with Defence Minister Peter MacKay
In conversation with Defence Minister Peter MacKay on Afghanistan, the F-35 controversy and military spending.
Is Afghanistan Ready for 2014?
Newcomer Nil Sendil discusses the upcoming Afghan elections and the feasibility of a lasting peace.
Media Advisory: Governor General to Invest 50 Recipients into the Order of Military Merit
His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, will preside over an Order of Military Merit investiture ceremony at Rideau Hall, on Tuesday, March 5, 2013, at 11 a.m.
The Struggle Against Somali Piracy: A NATO Success?
Aaron Willschick argues that despite Operation Ocean Shield’s perceived success in combating Somali maritime piracy, the reduction in pirate attacks may have less to do with NATO action and more to do with private security firms.
Coming Full Circle: Canada’s Chairmanship of the Arctic Council
Sarah Danruo Wang discusses Canada’s upcoming chairmanship of the Arctic Council and the major concerns that will pervade the Council’s agenda in 2013 The chairmanship of the Arctic Council will rotate to Canada in May 2013 for a two-year term. With participation from Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United States, this Read More…