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NATO Field School Series

Losing the Narrative? The Struggle of the Canadian Armed Forces to Shape its Image

How will the Canadian Armed Forces restore its image? In this article, Jack Burnham considers how the recent sexual misconduct scandals, the war in Afghanistan, and the threat of information warfare shape the public’s perception of the military.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Eastern Europe and Russia Europe Griffin Cornwall Russia Security Trade

Lukashenko’s Gambit: Embattled Belarusian President Risks National Sovereignty Amidst Increasing Isolation from the West

In this article Griffin Cornwall examines the impact of the Belarusian Government’s dramatic arrests of Roman Protasevich and Sofia Sapega, the increased sanctions pressure from the West this action has brought, and the potential risks to Belarus’ national sovereignty brought by President Lukashenko’s retrenchment of his relationship to his longstanding ally, Russian President Vladimir Putin

Eric Jackson NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Today’s Reporter, Tomorrow’s Historian: The Story of Sgt Donnie McDonald and Operation REASSURANCE

Canadians are proud contributors to international peace and security. Eric Jackson tells the story of Sgt Donnie McDonald, an Imagery Technician deployed to Latvia for over seven months as part of Operation REASSURANCE.

Women in Security

Unpacking the Debate on Gender-Neutral Conscription: The Sweden Case

In this article, Caleigh Wong investigates the debate surrounding female conscription and Sweden, one of the few countries who has incorporated it into their defence policy. The Sweden case study offers justification for this practice through both a gender parity and operational effectiveness lens, but also presents shortcomings in its ability to meaningfully contribute to true equality.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

Special Report: Anticipating China’s reaction to NATO’s extra-regional tilt towards the Indo-Pacific

In this special report, Junior Research Fellow Andrew Erskine anticipates the strategic response China will initiate to match NATO’s growing tilt towards the Indo-Pacific as an extra-regional alliance

Centre For Disinformation Studies

One Event, Two Headlines: Media Bias in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

With the last episode of Israeli-Gaza violence seemingly behind us, Thomas Turmel examines how the narrative surrounding a violent incident in East Jerusalem was manipulated both by the Times of Israel and Al Jazeera to present a bias view of the events.

Arash Toupchinejad Society, Culture, and Security

NATO as Turkey’s Channel for Rapprochement with the West

Despite Turkey’s fractured ties to NATO, which has increasingly alienated its people from the alliance over the past year, there seems to be a paradigm shift in Ankara’s foreign policy towards its allies. Arash Toupchinejad analyzes how NATO can capitalize on this shift in attitude to motivate Turkey’s rapprochement with the West under the auspices of the Framework Nations Concept.

Caleigh Wong Women in Security

A Turning Point for the Canadian Armed Forces: What this Means at Home and Abroad

The current institutional crisis underway in the Canadian Armed Forces is not only a domestic issue with extensive human costs for servicewomen and men, but a potential threat to broader Canadian international defense capabilities. In this article Caleigh Wong discusses the current investigation into sexual misconduct in the military and what this means for an organization crucial to upholding Canada’s democracy.