Andrew Erskine is a Research Analyst at the NATO Association of Canada and a Researcher for the Consortium of Indo-Pacific Researchers. He is also a Political Analyst for The New Global Order, a think tank for young academics and professionals based in Rome, Italy. Andrew is also an Analyst Director for the NATO Research Group, where he leads a case study on regional security in Southeast Asia. He holds a master’s degree in Global Affairs from the University of Prince Edward Island, concentrating in global and regional orders, hegemony and polarity. His work focuses on great power competition, the Indo-Pacific, and Canadian foreign policy.
Andrew Erskine Indo-Pacific and NATO

On China’s Peacemaking Role in Ukraine, Europe is Tragically Divided Along West and East Lines

Abstract: In this article, Research Analyst Andrew Erskine assesses how Chinese peacemaking attempts in Ukraine are dividing NATO members along West and East lines. In NATO’s 2022 Strategic Concept, the alliance remarked for the first time on how China posed a “systemic challenge to Euro-Atlantic interests, security, and values.” The document further illustrated how Beijing Read More…

Indo-Pacific and NATO

The Taiwan Visit: Canada moving past megaphone diplomacy for its Indo-Pacific Strategy?

In this article, Research Analyst Andrew Erskine examines the recent trip to Taiwan by an all-party Canadian delegation. Specifically, he examines whether the trip offers a new glimpse into Canadian diplomatic thinking, one that is moving past megaphone diplomacy, for the country’s forthcoming Indo-Pacific strategy.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

Do not be fooled, Ukraine and Taiwan are not the same: Key strategic lessons for NATO to learn in the event it aids Taiwan

In this article, Research Analyst Andrew Erskine compares and contrast the Russo-Ukraine war with the geopolitical climate existing between Taiwan and China, and argues that NATO needs to learn from its key strategic operations in Ukraine and adapt them for a multifaceted maritime operation.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

Special Report: NATO’s Forgotten Western Flank

In this special report, Research Analyst Andrew Erskine poses the case for why NATO needs to acknowledge its western flank as a legitimate geo-security periphery. Demonstrating the periphery’s history, geo-security gravity, and opportunity to amplify intra-alliance unity and cohesion, Andrew presents a timely insight for why the time is ripe for including a new geopolitical flank to NATO’s security and defence mandate.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

NATO, AUKUS & the Indo-Pacific: Further Proof of Intra-Alliance Friction

In this article, Research Analyst Andrew Erskine assesses the implications of the AUKUS security pact on NATO’s unity and cohesion towards a collective Indo-Pacific strategy and the need for the Alliance to develop an Indo-Pacific Council to avoid further debacles of intra-alliance friction.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

Special Report: NATO’s Indo-Pacific Strategy Needs Japan

In this special report, Junior Research Fellow Andrew Erskine explores how NATO-Japanese relations are key for upholding a rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific. In particular, Andrew identifies how Japan, back with NATO’s diplomatic experience, can bring together Indo-Pacific nations that do not desire a bipolar order dominated by Sino-US great power competition.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

Article V & the Indo-Pacific: Will NATO’s collective defence pact function in an out-of-area region?

In this article, Junior Research Fellow Andrew Erskine examines NATO’s collective defence pact against the backdrop of the growing contest in the Indo-Pacific to determine if Article V could be invoked to defend NATO members in the region.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

The Indo-Pacific Takeaway: How can NATO build up its resiliency to China and a contentious global order

In this article, Junior Research Fellow Andrew Erskine identifies how a contentious Indo-Pacific can strategically maneuver NATO to preserve transatlantic prosperity by renewing its resiliency to Chinese cyber and economic coercion.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

Special Report: Anticipating China’s reaction to NATO’s extra-regional tilt towards the Indo-Pacific

In this special report, Junior Research Fellow Andrew Erskine anticipates the strategic response China will initiate to match NATO’s growing tilt towards the Indo-Pacific as an extra-regional alliance

Indo-Pacific and NATO

The Luring of the Indo-Pacific: Can NATO formulate a collective regional strategy for its members?

In this article, Junior Research Fellow Andrew Erskine explores the unilateral Indo-Pacific strategy of four major powers in NATO and how they pose a challenge for NATO in developing a collective strategy for the region.