The Expanding Community program at the NAOC has three aims. First, the program seeks to explore the growth of the NATO alliance, prospective members and relationship with partners. Secondly, it looks at human rights issues and its effects on NATO member and partner countries. Thirdly, it features Canada’s global connections, including our links to other nations on a bilateral basis, and the role Canada plays within international and multilateral institutions. Check back regularly for original articles, as well as links to related news, blog posts and videos from around the world.

Courtesy of Bloomberg/Getty
Canada Culture Development Expanding Community Kyle Chatterson Security, Trade and the Economy Society Society, Culture, and Security Technology

Lagging Behind: The Impact of Canada’s Under Performing Internet

Kyle Chatterson discusses how Canada is falling behind the developed world in internet speeds, how it affects us, and what can be done about it.

4. Programs 8. French Bretton Christensen Expanding Community Oluwaseun Onasanya

Presque 600 Canadiennes Disparues ou Tuées. Pourquoi le Gouvernement Canadien ne S’inquiète Pas?

[captionpix align=”left” theme=”elegant” width=”300″ imgsrc=”” captiontext=”.”] De nombreux canadiens ont été mis au courant de la récente VIA-Rail blocage ferroviaire entre Toronto et Montréal, mais peu d’eux en connaissent la raison. La plupart des passagers sur le train VIA-Rail étaient plus préoccupés de se rendre au travail à l’heure que du groupe autochtone dont la Read More…