The Expanding Community program at the NAOC has three aims. First, the program seeks to explore the growth of the NATO alliance, prospective members and relationship with partners. Secondly, it looks at human rights issues and its effects on NATO member and partner countries. Thirdly, it features Canada’s global connections, including our links to other nations on a bilateral basis, and the role Canada plays within international and multilateral institutions. Check back regularly for original articles, as well as links to related news, blog posts and videos from around the world.

Asia-Pacific Diplomatic Relations Expanding Community International Relations John Pollock Peace & Security Security Society The United States of America United Kingdom

China’s Commemoration of WWII Reveals How History Informs Xi Jinping’s Worldview

John Pollock explains the significance of the 2015 Victory Day parade in Beijing, and how it is shaping the future of Asia’s worldview.

Expanding Community Kristyn Byrne

The FARC and Colombia Set to End 50 Year War

After 50 years of warfare and nearly three years of negotiations, Colombia’s government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, have signed a breakthrough peace commitment. Last week in Havana Cuba, President Santos and FARC leader Timoleon “Timochenko” Jimenez presided over a ceremony where the broad outlines of a peace deal were defined. Read More…

Expanding Community Marta Canneri Uncategorized

Canadian Foreign Policy in the Federal Election: The Issues

The upcoming Munk Debate on Foreign Policy, Canada’s first-ever federal election debate devoted to foreign policy issues, is scheduled to take place on Monday, September 28. This is a welcome addition to the election debate schedule, according to Munk Debates Chair, Rudyard Griffiths, who issued a press release arguing “too often, foreign policy issues have Read More…