Samantha Black’s take on the evolving situation in Syria, and Canada’s (non-)role in a possible intervention.
5. Authors of the NCC
A list of authors, past and present
Why Drones Won’t Work in Yemen, Part 2
In her follow-up article, Krista Burns argues that drones won’t help defeat Al Qaeda in Yemen.
The Canadian Debate on Participation in the US Missile Shield
Samantha Black highlights the pros and cons of Canadian participation in a North American missile shield.
The Laws of War: Do they Apply in Cyberspace?
Sandra Song on the applicability of legal systems in cyberspace.
Al Qaeda on Twitter
Maureen Handrahan demonstrates how Al Qaeda’s use of Twitter is a doubled-edged sword for its leaders.
The Arctic Council Round Up: Mapped Membership
The Arctic has become increasingly dynamic as new challenges and opportunities are uncovered. As a result, the Arctic Council has gained importance and garnered interest as an institution. Diana Rivera maps its members, observes states and related articles by the NCC.
Visual Guide to NATO Funding
Emily Simonin visually presents NATO’s funding DNA.
Determining the Reserves’ Purpose After Afghanistan
Sandra Song on the Canadian Forces Reserves purpose post-Afghanistan.
Finland’s NATO Debate
Samantha Black argues that Finnish policy-makers should consider NATO’s membership more seriously.
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