A list of authors, past and present

Dr Robert M Cutler Energy Security

U.S. Passes New Geopolitical Energy Legislation

In the rush of activity at the end of last year, in preparation for adjournment, the U.S. Congress approved and President Donald Trump signed legislation including provisions for American foreign economic policy, and energy policy in particular. The one that has got perhaps more attention was the Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act of Read More…

Dr Robert M Cutler Energy Security

European Investment Bank Shifts Policy

In mid-November, the European Investment Bank (EIB) decided on five new rules to guide its energy lending policy: priority to energy efficiency, enabling energy “decarbonization”, increased finance for decentralized energy production, increased finance for “intermittent” energy sources such as wind and solar, and supporting “energy transformation” outside the EU. The Bank will cease lending in Read More…

NATO and Canada NATO Operations Sedrik Pocuch

Assessing Georgia’s Potential Membership in NATO

Ever since it gained independence from the USSR in 1991, Georgia has had an excellent relationship with NATO. In 1994, Georgia joined the NATO-run Partnership for Peace. This was the first step of a long journey for Georgia to become a member of NATO. In 2008, the Russian Army invaded parts of Georgia, which it Read More…

Anvesh Jain Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Diaspora Diplomacy: India’s Global People Power As An Asset of Its National Strategy

India has the world’s largest diaspora population – impacting remittances, military operations, political advocacy, and even Indian grand strategy itself. How does India choose to engage with this diverse community, and what benefits does that engagement bring?

Sedrik Pocuch Society, Culture, and Security

Rassemblement National: Changes and Continuities Under Marine Le Pen

The French Rassemblement National has long been one of the largest populist radical right parties in Europe. In 2011, Marine Le Pen became the leader of the party and started the process of bringing the party into the mainstream in an attempt to get rid of its extremist image. In this special report, I look Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats James Cho

Escalating Tensions Between South Korea and Japan Pose Serious Problems for Regional Security

What is happening in East Asia? In this article, James Cho discusses the escalating tension between Japan and South Korea with South Korea’s GSOMIA withdrawal and “No Japan” boycott. He examines possible impact of GSOMIA withdrawal and how it poses problems in East Asia security.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats James Cho

How Canada is Protecting its Critical Infrastructure from Cyberattacks

In this article, James Cho reviews how Canada is protecting its critical infrastructure from cyberattacks. He examines the 2015 cyberattack on Ukraine’s power grid as an example of cyberattack on infrastructure and introduces the goals of the new National Cyber Security Action Plan by Canadian Centre for Cyber Security.