Ethan Schwartz reviews There’s Something in the Water, a documentary bringing awareness to environmental racism in Nova Scotia, an underreported yet crucial human rights issue.
5. Authors of the NCC
A list of authors, past and present
What is Climate Security?
What is climate security? In this article, Ethan Schwartz highlights the need for climate change to be considered in the same discussion as physical security.
Is Antifa a terrorist organization?
In this edition of the Editors’ Forum, the program editors at the NAOC give their input on Antifa’s classification as a terrorist organization and its implications.
A Discussion with Social Entrepreneur Mr. Vuong About his Newest Venture
In this article Martine Ghazouli and Antalya Popatia write about an interview they had with NAOC Board Director Kevin Vuong.
In Review: Netflix’s “Space Force” — a Comedy for the Multiplex Era
From the makers of “The Office,” Netflix’s new flagship series satirizes a very different kind of American workplace, in a very different political-international context. In doing so, “Space Force” manages to comedically introduce to popular television the basic concepts of the ‘Multiplex Order’, and the ensuant tensions provoked by competing national interests in space.
Climate Change, Human Rights, Capitalism, and Chinese Expansion: How COVID-19 is reshaping the world
The COVID-19 pandemic is the most important global event since World War II. We are living in a historic period that will change our world forever. Although each of these issues warrants in-depth discussion in its own right, this article aims to begin a conversation regarding how the COVID-19 crisis is currently shaping each of Read More…
Canadian Helicopter Crash off the Greek Coast
In this article Antalya Popatia writes about the Canadian Helicopter Crash off the Greek Coast killing 6 Canadians.
Special Report: Could, Should, and Would Israel Become a NATO Member?
Justin Dell examines if Israel Could, Should, and Would Become a NATO Member?
Event Intelligence, AI & Canada: Interview with Andy Ellis
Touraj Riazi had the privilege of interviewing Andy Ellis, current VP of Corporate Strategy at EVNTL. We discussed EVNTL, its use of AI and the implications. Andy Ellis was formerly the Assistant Director of Operations at the Canadian Security and Intelligence Services.
Know The CCDCOE: Interview with Director Col. Jaak Tarien
Touraj Riazi had the privilege of interviewing Col. Jaak Tarien, Director of NATO’s Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE). The interview concentrates on the functions of the CCDCOE and how they enhance the Alliance’s cybersecurity. Canada is currently in the process of joining the CCDCOE.