A list of authors, past and present

Aleksi Korpela Canada David Sutton Defense Drazo Kraishnik Editors' Forum Iraq ISIS Islamic State Michael Kang Michael Lumbers Security Syria Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa

Will Canada’s Revamped Role Prove Effective In Countering ISIS?

Our Program Editors and Research Analysts debate the merits of the Trudeau government’s new approach to the anti-ISIS mission.

4. Programs Culture Egypt Human Rights Matthew Rae NATO NATO and Canada Peace & Security Rights Security Society The Middle East and North Africa

The Arab Spring: What have we learned?

On February 11, 2011 the Arab world experienced a seismic political event, the resignation of Hosni Mubarak. This event could be compared to the fall of Prince Metternich on March 13, 1848. Both were largely symbolic events of a larger revolutionary wave sweeping across their respective regions. As the international experts and leaders market the Read More…

4. Programs Culture Fadi Dawood Human Rights Immigration International Relations Iran Iraq ISIS Islamic State Kurds migration NATO NATO and Canada NGOs Refugee Rights Security Society Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa

The Yazidis: Iraq’s Forgotten Victims

This is the third article in the series focusing on the current refugee crisis in the Middle East. Focusing on the Yazidi community of Sinjar is very important in our task to better understand how these communities have been affected by the recent atrocities committed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) against Read More…