The NATO Association of Canada (NAOC) strives to educate and engage Canadians about NATO and its goals of peace, prosperity and security. The NAOC ensures Canada has an informed citizenry able to participate in discussions about its role on the world stage.
Aishwarya Sahai Aleksi Korpela Busra H. Karasu Editors' Forum Eimi Harris Fadi Dawood Michael Kang

Anti–Refugee Policies in Scandinavia and the Great Effect on the Global Refugee Crisis

Our Program Editors and Research Analysts debate the greater effects of the recent change in refugee policy by Scandinavian states.


Canadian Industry Visit to NATO March 7-9, 2016

The Joint Delegation of Canada to NATO and the Embassy of Canada in Brussels, Belgium are organizing a Canadian industry visit to NATO Headquarters in Brussels and the two major NATO procurement agencies, the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency) in Brussels and the NATO Support Agency (NSPA) in Capellen, Luxembourg. The visit will take place March 7 – 9, 2016, and include several networking and business-to-business engagement sessions with local companies and stakeholders from Belgium and Luxembourg with the support of the Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC).

Diplomatic Relations Editors' Forum Fadi Dawood Iran Khalid Mahdi Michael Kang Michael Lumbers Security The Middle East and North Africa

Has Iran Reached A Turning Point In Its Relations With The World?

Our program editors debate whether Iran’s adherence to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action signifies a new era in its foreign policy.

Defense Eastern Europe and Russia Estonia Previous Events Russia Scandinavia The Arctic

Panel on NATO, Russia and the Future of Scandinavian Defence Recap – January 7, 2016

Here is a summary of the panel event entitled ‘NATO, Russia and the Future of Scandinavian Defence’ that was held in Montreal on the January 7, 2016.

Aishwarya Sahai Asia-Pacific China Corinne Stancescu Editors' Forum Europe Hinna Hatif Ian Goertz International Relations Iran Iraq ISIS Islamic State Jonas Becker Michael Kang Michael Lumbers Michael Oshell Refugee Security Syria The Middle East and North Africa

What Was The International News Story of 2015?

In a year packed with events, trends, and personalities that shaped the world, our program editors weigh in with which one was most impactful.