Mégane Visette Women in Security

UNCSW61 & North Korean Refugee Women: A Conversation with Betsy Kawamura (Part I)

I had the pleasure to speak with Betsy Kawamura, founder of Women4NonViolence in Peace + Conflict Zones – a platform to gather and support survivors of sexual violence in East Asia – and co-founder of the Working Group for North Korean Women at the North Korea Freedom Coalition. The group’s goal is to mainstream the Read More…

Charlotte Le Vay Editors' Forum Isabel Zucchero Mégane Visette Sha Lalapet

Happy 16th Anniversary UNSCR1325: Make a wish, blow your candles, now what?

In this Editor’s Forum, we asked our editors’ view on the UNSCR1325 progress towards gender justice in security. In light of the 16th Anniversary of the implementation of UNSCR1325, are we actually progressing towards gender justice in security? How are you encountering gender as a concept in your respective programs?