Armed conflict exposes civilians to heightened sexual and gender based violence. Nancy explores how different actors define protection and why protection is necessary in times of armed conflict.
Tag: United Nations
Timeline of Russian Aggression
This timeline will explore the major moves that Russia has made on the world stage beginning with the military intervention in Georgia.
Talk to a Diplomat: Burlington Central High School
Magdalena Surma provides information about the Junior Research Fellowship and Internship opportunities available at the NATO Association of Canada.
United Nations Security Council 1325: 15 Years Later
In 2000, the UNSC passed resolution 1325. Nancy Kanwal discusses key findings from the Global Study on the implementation of resolution 1325.
Bangladeshi All-Women Peacekeeping Unit
Bangladesh has deployed the world’s first group of 160 all-women UN peacekeepers to Haiti.
Stavanger 2015—Looking ahead to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (Pt. 4)
In Part 4 of this series, Kelly Rahardja examines a draft by the Economics and Security Committee concerning terrorist financing; an important issue at the upcoming Assembly in Stavanger, Norway.
Reassessing Humanitarian Intervention
Corinne Stancescu looks at and why and how states intervene, and the past and future use of Chapter 7 of the UN Charter.
Reassessing Intervention and the Use of Force: Case Studies
Corinne Stancescu looks at and why and how states intervene, and the past and future use of Chapter 7 of the UN Charter.
Reassessing Intervention and the Use of Force
Corinne Stancescu looks at and why and how states intervene, and the past and future use of Chapter 7 of the UN Charter.
Seeking a Global Audience: The Evolution of Digital Diplomacy
What do Barack Obama and Humans of New York have in common? Kelly Rahardja discusses how international organizations and leaders are using social media to break down the diplomatic barrier.