Danielle Stodilka

NATO and Disaster Risk Reduction: A Dispatch from Sofia, Bulgaria

From 17 to 19 January, 2017, NATO’s Crisis Management and Disaster Response CMDR COE, based in Sofia, cosponsored a Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop along with the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR).  The event promoted the UNISDR’s latest Disaster Risk Reduction framework, which had been adopted in 2015. The Workshop was supported by Read More…

Mitchell Haid Operations

Rising Military Tensions Amidst North Korea’s Latest Missile Launches

Tensions between countries are rising amidst North Korea’s latest missile launches. China, Japan, South Korea, and the United States are concerned about the blatant disregard North Korea is showing. Mitchell Haid discusses the most recent proceedings happening on the Korean Peninsula and how each country is reacting.