Nathaniel Borins NATO and Canada

International and Security Benefits of an Active Canadian Role in Venezuela

Many Venezuelans are eagerly hoping the election July 8, 2024 can be used to restart the rule of law and democratic norms in their country. Why should Canada actively support this process? Under socialist President Nicolas Maduro, during the 2010s, Venezuela became known internationally as the most left-wing country in Latin America, with the exception Read More…

Centre For Disinformation Studies Jack Burnham

“A Splendid Little War” Great Power Competition, Disinformation, and the Spanish-American War

What is the relationship between disinformation and great power competition? In this essay, Jack Burnham discusses the legacy of the Spanish-American War and the “yellow press” through the lens of great power politics, and its lessons for contemporary policymakers.

NATO and Canada NATO Operations Uncategorized

The United States Stands Alone: A Review of “Red Dawn” (1984)

In this film analysis, Justin Dell looks at the alternative history flick, “Red Dawn” (1984), and teases out some of the details of the movie that speak to the apocalyptic mood that existed in the early 1980s, when relations between the United States and the Soviet Union were at their nadir. The film’s principal themes of readiness and sacrifice are as relevant to today’s world as they were 35 years ago.

Charlotte Le Vay Society, Culture, and Security

Canadians in Cuba: Will American Presence Change the Tourism Experience?

How is the Canadian tourism experience affected by the increase of American presence in a beloved vacation spot? Charlotte Le Vay explores the ways in which the influx of American wealth into the country has the potential to change the economic landscape of Cuba.