Nathaniel Borins Society, Culture, and Security

An Explanation of Western and Russian Interests and Aims in the Francophone West African “Coup Belt”

Since 2020, there have been seven coups in six French-speaking West African countries. Many of them have involved conflicts between military groups or established governments supported by France, and by extension the West and NATO, and rebel groups or juntas supported by Russia. France’s role as the main patron of established power in these countries Read More…

Indo-Pacific and NATO Katherine Todd

Canada’s Need For A Comprehensive Arctic Strategy Amid Russian And Chinese Threats

On August 26, 2022, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about Russia and China’s investments and intentions to build military, commercial, and industrial capacities in the Arctic. This is not new information. Russia and China made their Arctic strategies publicly available in 2009 and 2018, respectively. News articles frequently detail their interests and successes in the region. Despite this, Canada has Read More…

Indo-Pacific and NATO Jake Rooke

Roaring Rivals: The Tiger and the Dragon, and the Indo-Pacific Chessboard

India and China are forecast to be the second and third-largest economies in the world by the turn of the next century. The dynamics between these powers demonstrate an uneasy competition as each state tries to increase its own sphere of influence at the expense of the other. These dynamics are thus a mixture of Read More…

Indo-Pacific and NATO

To Counter China’s Rise, the Quad Needs to Shift to Economic Diplomacy

How can we unite like-minded countries against threats from encroaching autocrats? Check out Kriti Samnotra’s article on Economic Diplomacy and how the Quad must shift to providing economic assistance to push back against China’s endlessly propagandized Belt and Road Initiative.

Security, Trade and the Economy Wu Xiao

Belt and Road Initiative: Understanding China’s Foreign Policy Strategy

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has been a contentious topic in international affairs since it was announced by President Xi Jinping in 2013. The mega-project aiming to connect Central Asia, Europe, and Africa via economic trade routes has received mixed responses from the international community for its lofty goals. Despite criticism about the plan’s Read More…