This edited transcript of a 40-minute podcast interview (1 November 2020) covers the Caspian Sea’s legal regime, national interests of its littoral states, Turkey’s role in Euro-Caspian energy security, American and Chinese interests in the region, and why the Caspian Sea’s significance will increase still more in future.
The World in a State of Cyber Warfare
Sarah Nebbal explores the future of cyber warfare and its implications for NATO.
‘The Kids Are Alright’: How Young Journalists Find Ways to Report on Social Issues in Russia
In this article, Maria Zelenova examines how Russian independent journalists have been able to adapt under harsh censorship laws, creating a new ecosystem for reporting on important stories.
La France et l’OTAN, « je t’aime, moi non plus »
Dans cet article, Chloé Ketels revient sur la relation complexe qu’entretient la France avec l’OTAN, en partie liée à ses ambitions en matière de défense européenne.
Diplomacy in the times of COVID-19: A Discussion on Security
To register click here We are excited to be holding a virtual discussion with H.E Urban Ahlin, the Swedish Ambassador to Canada, this Thursday! The discussion will primarily focus on Sweden & Canada’s Bilateral Relationship, Common Security Interests and Sweden’s management of COVID-19. It will also touch upon the importance of Arctic Partnerships and Economic Read More…
NATO Digital Storytelling Social Media Summit
On November 30, the NATO Association of Canada hosted a social media summit examining how digital storytelling can be used to explain the value of NATO.
The Future of Canada-Japan Relations in the Post-Trump Era
The Canada-Japan relationship is well established but it will face some uncertainty in the coming years. In this article, Emilio Angeles examines the bilateral-relationship and highlights potential areas of contention between the two countries.
The Third Realm: Closed-Circuit Information Censorship in China
Julian Snelling assesses the increasing presence of the Party in China’s “third realm,” aiming to comprehend the extent to which information dissemination constitutes not just top-down control but individual self-censorship.
Resurrecting the Canadian Dream: The case for the 21st Century Avro Arrow
Samer Khurshid examines the story of the Canadian CF-105 Avro Arrow and how a re-imagined Arrow would be Canada’s best bet in the Stealth Age.
Politique étrangère et multilatéralisme : quel rôle joue aujourd’hui le Canada sur la scène internationale ?
L’Association Canadienne pour l’OTAN a organisé le jeudi 26 novembre une discussion virtuelle à propos du role du Canada sur la scène internationale. Le 17 juin dernier, le Canada n’a pas rassemblé les votes nécessaires à l’obtention d’un siège au Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU, pour la deuxième fois en dix ans. Que cet évènement Read More…