Corinne Stancescu examines the culture and politics surrounding the criminal justice system in the US.
Canada and Myanmar’s Move Towards Global Acceptance
Hasan Siddiqui reassesses Myanmar’s transition towards accountability and transparency alongside recent developments in it’s domestic affairs.
There is No ‘Try’
Colin McEwen illustrates how the career of NATO’s Secretary-General offers lessons to young Canadians seeking a future in international relations.
The Uber Advantage
Eric looks into the legal dilemma surrounding Uber’s success, and its effects on traditional cab services as well as municipal and governmental by-laws.
The Defence Gender Gap Extends Beyond the Military
Daniel argues that gender equality can be measured in any country by the number of defense portfolios awarded to women throughout its history, with Minister of Defense being the most telling.
Putin’s Precarious Position: Part Two
In Part Two, Stefano Spensieri discusses Putin’s consolidation of power through the suppression of free speech and control over Russian media, and the link to the assassination of Boris Nemtsov.
The Yazidis: Their Beliefs and the Basis of the Islamic-State-Led Genocide
Kabir Bhatia examines the Yazidi belief-system, and the justifications used by the Islamic State for the Yazidi genocide
Militarized Masculinity and Gendered Security: War and Peace From a Feminist Perspective III
Saman Rejali analyses how the creation of soldiers through gendered military indoctrination inhibits their abilities to act as peacekeepers and non-violent actors both at home and abroad.
The Controversy of Bill C-24, Canada’s New Citizenship Bill
Alia El Didi examines Bill C-24 and its implications on Canada’s immigrants
The Widening Rich/Poor Divide
Ryan Krueger analyzes the current state of global wealth distribution, and the risk the rich/poor gap poses to global economic growth.