Culture Cyber Security and Emerging Threats France Iraq Islamic State Security Society, Culture, and Security Stefano Spensieri Syria Terrorism Western Europe

ISIS, the Paris Attacks, and Islamic Radicalization in the West

An upswing of violence has plagued the Middle East for the better part of two decades, and has begun to spill onto foreign shores in the form of brutal acts of terror. With a power void in the Middle East following the withdrawal of coalition forces, the Islamic State (IS), the most brutal and violent Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Iraq Peace & Conflict Studies Rights Security Sophia Alifirova Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa The United States of America

US Senate intelligence committee report: CIA “enhanced interrogation tactics” are not what American values stand for

The first 500 pages reveal “brutal” interrogation tactics used on terror suspects by the CIA. The Agency also stands accused of hiding its practices from the US government.

Canada Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Global Governance International Law & Policy Iraq Islamic State Libya Mathieu Paul Dumont NATO and Canada Security Society Syria Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa

Recap: Montreal Roundtable of the Rise of ISIS

Points from Atlantic Council of Canada (ACC) roundtable on the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Defense Development Diplomatic Relations Eastern Europe and Russia Global Governance International Law & Policy Iraq Islamic State Sayde-Hope Crystal Security Society Society, Culture, and Security Syria Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa The United States of America Western Europe

Letters to the Ayatollah: Strange Bedfellows in the Fight Against the Islamic State

In her latest article, Sayde-Hope Crystal discusses the not-so-secret line of communication between President Obama and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and examines the prospect of bilateral cooperation in fighting the Islamic State.

Canada Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Iraq Islamic State Shahryar Pasandideh Syria Technology Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa The United States of America

The Aurora Solution

After examining the capabilities of Canada’s contribution to the efforts against IS, Shahryar Pasandideh offers a solution to the logistical problems of the contribution.

Canada Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Iraq Islamic State Security Shahryar Pasandideh Syria Technology Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa

On Capabilities and Canada’s Fight Against IS/ISIS/ISIL

As Canada continues to combat IS in the Middle East, Shahryar Pasandideh examines the capabilities of Canada’s contribution.

Canada Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Infographic Iraq Islamic State NATO and Canada Security Syria Tazrian Alam Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa

Infograph: Canada’s Response to the Situation in Iraq

On October 7, 2014 the Parliament of Canada passed a motion that will see Canada join coalition efforts to counter ISIL. Here is an infograph detailing the Canadian response to ISIL.