Diplomatic Relations International Law & Policy Justin Fantauzzo Society, Culture, and Security Western Europe

Right-Wing, Right Time: The Coming Together of Nationalist Politics in Europe

Justin Fantauzzo looks at the latest attempt by Eurosceptics to consolidate power in the European Parliament – Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD).

Asia-Pacific Canada Christopher Cowan Diplomatic Relations Expanding Community International Law & Policy Peace & Conflict Studies Security, Trade and the Economy Trade Western Europe

Li Keqiang’s Visit to the United Kingdom: A Microcosm of West-China Relations

Through China’s relations with the west, Christopher Cowan examines the balance between trade and human rights.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Diplomatic Relations Eastern Europe and Russia International Law & Policy Peace & Conflict Studies Trevor Schenk

One Man’s Colour Revolution is Another Man’s Great Crimean Heist

A look at the new Russian security doctrine, its impact on Ukraine and its potential consequences for future uprisings and revolutions.

Defense Diplomatic Relations Eastern Europe and Russia International Law & Policy Kristian A. Kennedy Peace & Conflict Studies Rights Security Society Society, Culture, and Security The United States of America

What would George Kennan think of “Containment 2.0”?

Kristian Kennedy discusses the extent to which Obama’s actions in Russia are a modern application of Kennan’s Cold War policy of containment.

Canada Diplomatic Relations Expanding Community Global Governance International Law & Policy Kareem El-Assal Peace & Conflict Studies Society Society, Culture, and Security The Middle East and North Africa Trade

Revisiting Canada’s September 2012 Decision to Cut Ties to Iran

Following Foreign Minister John Baird’s recent comments on Iran, calling it the main threat to international peace, Kareem El-Assal looks back at the Harper government’s September 2012 decision to cut ties with Iran.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Development Diplomatic Relations Global Governance International Law & Policy Peace & Conflict Studies Rights Society Steven Chadwick The Middle East and North Africa

Promised Land or Apartheid State: Israeli Settlements & International Law – Part 2 of 2

In Part II, Steven Chadwick discusses the legality of Israeli settlements in the West Bank with reference to the Fourth Hague Convention in addition to several UN Security Council Resolutions.