In her latest article, Sayde-Hope Crystal discusses the latest attack in a wave of violence that Israeli leaders are struggling to contain.
The United States of America
Unrest in Jerusalem
In her latest article, Sayde-Hope Crystal discusses the wave of terror attacks sweeping the streets of Jerusalem, and the escalation of tensions over access to the Temple Mount.
Censorship: A Disservice to Public Perception
In his latest article, James Keeling examines how media censorship of the Prophet Muhammad has contributed to a gap in knowledge about Islam.
Infograph: G7 Contributions to Counter the Islamic State
An overview of the contributions given by each G7 country.
Are we there yet?
Nigel Trimble looks at the latest confusion stemming from leaked Pentagon report on the Canadian government’s continued interest in the F-35 Lightening II fighter jet.
Letters to the Ayatollah: Strange Bedfellows in the Fight Against the Islamic State
In her latest article, Sayde-Hope Crystal discusses the not-so-secret line of communication between President Obama and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and examines the prospect of bilateral cooperation in fighting the Islamic State.
Canada and its Allies: Arctic Strategies
While the world tends to look towards the Middle East and Asia today, Erik Underwood looks North, examining the military capabilities of the Arctic coastal states.
A Robotized Military
A new era has dawned on human warfare!. Nigel Trimble looks at rising use of drone technology in the realm of war.
USA: Get REAL on your foreign policy!
In this opinion piece, Anojan Nicholas calls for the US foreign policy to return to its realist roots
The Rise of Celebrities in International Affairs
In his latest article, Malcolm McEachern explores the rise of celebrity involvement in international affairs.