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Africa Asia-Pacific China Europe International Relations Investment Japan John Pollock Security, Trade and the Economy The United States of America Trade

The AIIB and Beijing’s Vision for a Sinocentric World Order

John Pollock examines the role of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in China’s world view as the financial weight of Beijing is increasingly felt by US allies and opponents alike.

Central Asia Diplomatic Relations Eastern Europe and Russia Kelly Rahardja NATO Russia Ukraine

Review—“Threat Perception in Central Asia in Response to Russia-Ukraine: Kazakhstan Will Not Be Next”

Kelly Rahardja reviews a research paper from the NATO Defense College discussing the potential for a Russian attack in Central Asia.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Iran Iraq ISIS Islamic State Sandy Vingoe Security Terrorism The United States of America

Iran’s Iraqi Proxy War and the Potential Virtues of a Tehran-Washington Partnership

Should the United States work with Iran in the fight against ISIS? Sandy Vingoe considers the benefits of such a partnership.