Russian activities in Ukraine and Syria share similar motivating factors. Sandy Vingoe examines Russia’s global strategy of aggressively countering threats to Russia’s political buffer states.
6. Regions
placeholder for regions
Women of the Palestinian Intifadas
Seema Kawar takes a look at the participation of women and girls in the past Palestinian Intifadas and the most recent uprising.
Canada- A New Honest Broker
Matthew Rae discusses the role of the ‘Honest Broker’ in International Relations, and the Canadian government’s approach to returning to ‘Pearsonian’ foreign affairs.
An Unfriendly Reminder: American Displeasure Over Brexit
Anthony Galea explores American concerns over the United Kingdom’s possible exit from the European Union.
Japanese Defence Budget: Keeping pace with the neighbors and an eye on its islands
In her debut article, Julie-Anne examines the strategic underpinnings of Japan’s 2016 defence budget
How the Summer’s “Great Fall of China” Revealed the Communist Party’s Worst Fears- Part I
John Pollock discusses in detail the summer collapse of China’s Shanghai Stock Index and the implications for China’s transition from a command to a market economy.
An Arctic Innovation: Canadian Airships?
The Canadian Forces Aerospace Warfare Centre is exploring the potential for airships to patrol Canada’s Arctic. Paul Pryce discusses the feasibility.
Can The West Work With Russia In Fighting ISIS?
Our program editors debate whether the West and Russia can overcome their policy differences for the sake of confronting ISIS.
The New Face of Justice in Canada
A short profile on the new Justice Minister of Canada Jody Wilson-Raybould and the importance of her appointment to the issue of missing and murdered indigenous women.
NATO Enlargement Eastwards: Not Just a Matter of Geopolitics (Part II)
In Part 2 of this series, Živilė Marija Vaicekauskaite continues her examination of why Ukraine has not been offered a Membership Action Plan at this time.