The NATO Association of Canada’s Procurement Program provides Canadians with analyses of trends relating to Canadian and international defense procurement and illustrates how these trends affect NATO’s collective mission capabilities. The program also provides in-depth discussion regarding the bureaucratic management, specific trade controls and various other institutional processes governing the defense industry and defense acquisitions, while integrating elements of international trade and economics.

Asia-Pacific Canada Canadian Armed Forces Christopher Cowan Defense Eastern Europe and Russia Investment Islamic State Procurement Security Technology The Middle East and North Africa The United States of America

The Folly of the Fifth Generation?: A Look at the Future of Fighter Aircraft

As airstrikes against IS are carried out and an F-22 has successfully carried out its mission, Christopher Cowan looks at the future of the Fifth Generation of fighter aircraft.

Canada Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Diplomatic Relations Investment Maritime Nation NATO and Canada Naval Issues Paul Pryce Procurement Security Technology The United States of America Uncategorized

Canada’s Supply Ship Crisis

With the recent retirement of the Royal Canadian Navy’s two supply ships, Paul Pryce explores Canada’s options to plug the resulting gap in logistics.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Diplomatic Relations Procurement Security Shahryar Pasandideh Technology The Middle East and North Africa

Iran’s Developing Military Capabilities Part II: Battlefield Rockets and Cruise Missles

In the second article of his series on the development of Iranian military capabilities, Shahryar Pasandideh looks at Iran’s battlefield rockets and cruise missiles.