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Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Diplomatic Relations India Intelligence & National Security Pakistan Peace & Security South Asia United Nations

Kashmir: Can The Rules Based International Order Clean it up Without Risking All Out Nuclear War?

Samer Khurshid examines whether the rules based international order can clean up KASHMIR, by providing a glimpse into its troubled past, a possible means to resolve the longest crisis of the UN, and encouraging an end to the violence in Kashmir.

NATO and Canada NATO Operations Sedrik Pocuch

Assessing Georgia’s Potential Membership in NATO

Ever since it gained independence from the USSR in 1991, Georgia has had an excellent relationship with NATO. In 1994, Georgia joined the NATO-run Partnership for Peace. This was the first step of a long journey for Georgia to become a member of NATO. In 2008, the Russian Army invaded parts of Georgia, which it Read More…

Security, Trade and the Economy

The WTO and Non-Trade Related Subsidies: are subsidies to green energy producers legal?

In this article, Dan discusses whether subsidies based on non-trade related public policy rationales are legally prohibited according to WTO’s rules. He argues the SCM Agreement’s subsidy regulation regime presents States with legal uncertainty regarding the implementation of legitimate non-trade related public policy-based subsidies.

Women in Security

Gender Perspectives on Disarmament

Increasingly volatile nuclear proliferation threats across the international spectrum present an obstacle to creating a harmonious world order. Two main factors needed to mitigate nuclear proliferation are action and policy-making. A recent example of action towards nuclear disarmament includes the global women’s Peace Movement spread across Europe, the US, Canada and Australia, comprised of women’s Read More…