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The Middle East and North Africa Women in Security

Sex, Security, and Democracy in Afghanistan

[captionpix align=”left” theme=”elegant” width=”320″ imgsrc=”” captiontext=”Fawzia Koofi, MP: the Afghan parliament’s first female deputy speaker (Photo: the Guardian)”] Afghanistan was at the top of the agenda when world leaders met this month at NATO’s Chicago summit. Important issues, including a timetable for troop withdrawal and the Alliance’s post-2014 support and training role, were agreed upon. Read More…

Andrew Walker Canada Maritime Nation Terrorism

Breaking The Bottleneck: Maritime Terrorism and “Economic Chokepoints” (part 1)

The probability of a terrorist attack on a major North American port may be low for some security analysts, but given the catastrophic effect an attack could have on such “economic chokepoints,” the costs could be immeasurable.