This month, all 29 NATO Defence Ministers will meet at the alliance’s headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Take a look at this infographic to learn more!
NATO and Canada
Since its inception in 1949, Canada has played an integral role in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its numerous military and non-military engagements. As a founding member, Canada’s involvement over the past 70 years has varied from troop deployment and training in Europe during much of the Cold War, to activity abroad in places like Afghanistan and Libya. The articles in the NATO and Canada program examine NATO’s operational history and Canada’s role from a multitude of perspectives. The NATO Association of Canada aims to supply Canadians with a greater insight into the inner workings of this long-standing alliance and its Canadian contributions.
Canada in the Korean War: A Day of Remembrance
The first proxy war of the Cold War broke out roughly 69 years ago today, on June 25th, 1950, with the invasion of North Korea onto South Korea across the 38th parallel. It was not until the election of Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent in 1948 that Canada changed its character towards Korea and the Read More…
Canada’s Relationship to NATO Airborne Warning and Control Systems (AWACS)
In late February 2019, India and Pakistan engaged in a series of aerial border skirmishes. This conflict is historic in that it was the first time two opposing military forces used airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft against each other. The primary function of this type of aircraft is surveillance: monitoring, detecting, and tracking Read More…
Operation IMPACT: A Sit-Down with Brigadier-General Colin Keiver
Operation IMPACT is currently the largest deployed operation in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). The operation consists of Canada’s contribution to global efforts to defeat the threat of Daesh (also known as ISIS or ISIL) in Iraq and Syria. It consists of two phases. The first entailed reversing the territorial gain of Daesh, while the Read More…
Highlights From The NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO-PA) Spring Session, Bratislava, Slovakia, May 31-June 3, 2019
Julie Lindhout, immediate past President of the NATO Association of Canada, reviews the recently concluded NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Between a Dragon and an Eagle: What Is the Huawei Controversy and Why Does It Matter to Canadians?
In this article, Willow Hillman outlines the controversy surrounding Huawei and the US’ extradition request for Meng Wanzhou, and explains some of the main reasons why this situation matters to Canadians.
NATO’s 50th Air Policing Mission – the Baltics
Air policing, a peacetime collective defense mission, is a NATO initiative for safeguarding the “integrity of the NATO Alliance Member’s Airspace”. As this initiative is one tied to the founding principles of the NATO treaty, it further binds members together in a defense coalition. Falling in line with the principles of collective security, NATO members Read More…
A Conversation with a Member of the Canadian Reserves
Anvesh Jain, the Program Editor of Canada’s NATO, sits down with a special guest.
With fires and floods on the rise, should Canada take a more active stance on climate security?
In light of the latest wave of environmental emergencies gripping the country, David Lazzam examines the possibility of introducing substantial climate security goals to our national defence policy. Do the world’s militaries have a role to play in climate change prevention?
NATO in the Black Sea
Once upon a time, the Ancient Greeks referred to the Black Sea as the “Inhospitable Sea”, inspired by their navigational challenges and the hostile tribes living on its shores. The Black Sea has come a long way since then; today, its waters host vast energy deposits that are traded globally, busy shipping lanes, and countless Read More…