A list of authors, past and present

Andrew Walker Canada Maritime Nation Terrorism

Breaking The Bottleneck: Maritime Terrorism and “Economic Chokepoints” (part 1)

The probability of a terrorist attack on a major North American port may be low for some security analysts, but given the catastrophic effect an attack could have on such “economic chokepoints,” the costs could be immeasurable.

Emilee Carver

The Salala Supply Route: A Lesson In Keeping Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer

Tensions between Pakistan and the US are at an all time high following President Obama’s unsuccessful bid at the Chicago Summit to pressure Pakistan’s President, Asif Ali Zardari, into reopening the Salala supply route, used to funnel NATO supplies into Afghanistan.

Fatima Nanavati Terrorism

Wired Warfare: NATO’s Steps Towards Cyber Security

Technology has advanced so drastically in the 21st century that after land, sea, air, and space, warfare has now entered a fifth domain: cyberspace. This week at the NATO Summit in Chicago, the alliance took the opportunity to gauge development in ‘non-traditional’ security policies concerning cyber warfare.