A list of authors, past and present

Dr Robert M Cutler Energy Security

Uzbekistan Moves Fast To Reform Energy Sector

Energy sector reform is moving quickly in Uzbekistan, and foreign direct investment (FDI) is skyrocketing. The country did not have an energy ministry until February of this year. Instead, the energy sector was in the portfolio of one of eight deputy prime ministers, who also covered metallurgy and geology. This excessive concentration of responsibilities was Read More…

NATO and Canada Sedrik Pocuch

Canada’s Relationship to NATO Airborne Warning and Control Systems (AWACS)

In late February 2019, India and Pakistan engaged in a series of aerial border skirmishes. This conflict is historic in that it was the first time two opposing military forces used airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft against each other. The primary function of this type of aircraft is surveillance: monitoring, detecting, and tracking Read More…

Basel Ammane Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Farzin Bakhtiar NATO and Canada

Operation IMPACT: A Sit-Down with Brigadier-General Colin Keiver

Operation IMPACT is currently the largest deployed operation in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). The operation consists of Canada’s contribution to global efforts to defeat the threat of Daesh (also known as ISIS or ISIL) in Iraq and Syria. It consists of two phases. The first entailed reversing the territorial gain of Daesh, while the Read More…

Basel Ammane Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Uncategorized

A Review of Black Code: Surveillance, privacy, and the Dark Side of the Internet

           For the past twenty years the internet has become more and more embedded in the lives of millions of people. This change has not just been taking place in affluent developed countries, but has rather spread to many developing countries as well. In fact, the gap is narrowing in terms of the number of Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Emma Tallon

A Special Report on Child Soldiers in Afghanistan

Acts of injustice and violence are robbing children of their childhood throughout Afghanistan. In 2017, there were 3,179 reported cases of children killed and maimed due to conflict-related violence. This rate is on the rise, with the war in Afghanistan killing a record number of civilians in 2018.  A number of the children killed in the violence include Read More…

Julie Lindhout NATO and Canada

Highlights From The NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO-PA) Spring Session, Bratislava, Slovakia, May 31-June 3, 2019

Julie Lindhout, immediate past President of the NATO Association of Canada, reviews the recently concluded NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Bratislava, Slovakia.

NATO and Canada Willow Hillman

Between a Dragon and an Eagle: What Is the Huawei Controversy and Why Does It Matter to Canadians?

In this article, Willow Hillman outlines the controversy surrounding Huawei and the US’ extradition request for Meng Wanzhou, and explains some of the main reasons why this situation matters to Canadians.

Farzin Bakhtiar NATO and Canada NATO Operations

NATO’s 50th Air Policing Mission – the Baltics

Air policing, a peacetime collective defense mission, is a NATO initiative for safeguarding the “integrity of the NATO Alliance Member’s Airspace”. As this initiative is one tied to the founding principles of the NATO treaty, it further binds members together in a defense coalition. Falling in line with the principles of collective security, NATO members Read More…