The NATO Association of Canada (NAOC) strives to educate and engage Canadians about NATO and its goals of peace, prosperity and security. The NAOC ensures Canada has an informed citizenry able to participate in discussions about its role on the world stage.
Adam Zivo Amaliah Reiskind Buzz Lanthier-Rogers Editors' Forum Maria Pepelassis Nasser Haidar

Are We Human?: IBM Unveils Project Debate

IBM recently unveiled Project Debater, a program that uses artificial learning to provide arguments in real time on any given resolution. For this week’s Editors’ Forum, program editors and contributors of the NATO Association of Canada comment on the increasingly fast development of artificial intelligence and the expansion of its application. Adam Zivo, Junior Research Read More…

Amaliah Reiskind Buzz Lanthier-Rogers Editors' Forum McCartney Lee Michelle Verbeek

Like a G6: Reactions to the Charlevoix Summit

American threats and implementations of tariffs have alienated the superpower further from its allies. It is in this environment that the world carefully observed the G7 Conference in Charlevoix, Quebec and witnessed the elevation of tensions between other Western leaders and the United States. NAOC Program Editors for the Canadian Armed Forces, Cyber Security and Read More…

Changsung Lee Daniel Jung Editors' Forum Lionel Widmer Marwan Elghamry

What to Expect from the Trump-Kim Summit

Uncertainty of the likelihood of a Trump-Kim meeting continues to grow as each side pivots towards and away from reconciliation. Although Trump has cancelled the summit planned for this month, he has shown a renewed interest in engaging in talks with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un. Members of the NAOC community discuss what a Read More…

Daniel Jung Editors' Forum Edward Tat Lionel Widmer Marwan Elghamry Uncategorized

What would an American Tariff on Steel and Aluminium mean for America’s Trading Relationship?

Editors from the NATO Association examine the effects that tariffs and a possible trade war would have on America’s allies and what this means for free trade in the world.