Defense Diplomatic Relations Eastern Europe and Russia Security Terrorism Uncategorized

A View from Ukraine, 4 May, 2014

May 4 – The Russian Federation is significantly strengthening its military positions on the Crimean peninsula by transferring aircraft and military units there. In the same manner Russia is increasing its presence in the unrecognized Transnistria Republic. Thus Russia creates a “ring of tension” around Ukraine.

May 4 – The Anti-terrorist operation (ATO) is continuing in Donbas region. Broadcasting of Ukrainian TV channels has been renewed in Sloviansk and Kramatorsk. However, these cities have not been completely cleared of pro-Russian terrorists. Mariupol has been freed from terrorists.

May 4 – 46 people have died as a result of an attack by pro-Russian separatists on a peaceful rally “For United Ukraine” in Odessa. “Events in Odessa are only a ‘warm-up’ by pro-Russian terrorists before a terrorist attack, planned for May 9th by Russia,” said Dmytro Tymchuk, Director of the Center for Military and Political Research. In order to protect the city, a Ukrainian territorial defense battalion (special army unit consisting of 400 people) is being created in Odessa.

May 4 – The Prosecutor’s office of Crimea (Russian authority) has begun the persecution of Crimean Tatars who greeted their leader Mustafa Dzhemilev at the border of Ukraine and Crimea on May 3. Dzhemilev wasn’t allowed to enter Crimea. Crimean “prosecutor-marionette” Natalia Poklonska warned the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars that in case of further disobedience, the Mejlis will be dissolved and its activities prohibited.

May 4 – The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has reported about attempts to poison local residents and Ukrainian military through food supply. Experts believe that this is one of subversive activities being implemented in Ukraine by the agents of sabotage and intelligence groups of the Russian Federation.


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