Canadian Armed Forces Roderick Ramsden

Unrest in Mali: Canada’s Role in Eradicating Terrorist Forces in West Africa

The security of Mali is of great concern to the international community and in particular to France. Roderick Ramsden examines the situation in Mali and discusses whether Canadian participation would be best suited for the ongoing UN mission or in partnership with France, in their broader operations.

Jayson Derow Operations

Empty Threats or an Unsettling Reality? Why Statistics Should not Represent the Impact of Terrorism

Although statistics are able to present data in a way that shows an event as less probable of occurring, Jayson Derow discusses why the uncertainty of time and place that accompanies ISIS’ threats should not be dismissed by Western societies.

Expanding Community Zhikica Pagovski

The Nice Attack: Another Call to Invoke NATO’s Article 5

In two separate Fox News interviews several hours after the terrorist attack in Nice on July 14, 2016 , both presumptive candidates for the U.S. presidency suggested a mobilization of NATO in the war against ISIS. Zhikica Pagovski explores the Nice Attack can justify for action to be taken under NATO’s Article 5.

Canadian Armed Forces Jayson Derow

‘Sunny Ways’ in Dark Days: A Reality Check on Trudeau’s Responsibility to Protect in Iraq and Syria

Prime Minister Trudeau’s ‘sunny ways’ will prove to be ineffective against an enemy that explicitly demonstrates a complete disregard for human life. Jayson Derow discusses why Canada has a ‘Responsibility to Protect’ the religious minorities of Iraq and Syria by taking the battle to ISIS through strategic and targeted airstrikes.

Expanding Community Sonia Liang

Security in the Nordics, Part I of II: Finno-Russian Relations in an Era of Instability

Part I of this series examines Finland’s efforts to keep relations with Russia open and pragmatic at the same time as she pursues closer cooperation with NATO. Stay tuned for Part II, which evaluates the Swedish perspective on Baltic security