Justin Dell Society, Culture, and Security

Special Report: What Is to Be Done?

In this special report, NAOC Senior Editor Justin Dell argues that the Allied withdrawal from Afghanistan does not just constitute another military defeat for the West, but portends an existential crisis for Western civilization. If the leaders of the states that comprise NATO want to preserve the global order they inherited after 1945, and again after 1991, they need to get serious about their self-narrative in the 21st century.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

Article V & the Indo-Pacific: Will NATO’s collective defence pact function in an out-of-area region?

In this article, Junior Research Fellow Andrew Erskine examines NATO’s collective defence pact against the backdrop of the growing contest in the Indo-Pacific to determine if Article V could be invoked to defend NATO members in the region.

Afghanistan Arjun Singh Canada Lex et Orbis Morgane L. Holley NATO and Canada Previous Events

NATO’s Viceroy: The Commander-in-Chief’s Interview with David Lloyd Johnston

A bilingual discussion on the Constitution, national security and foreign policy with The Rt. Hon. David Johnston, the 28th Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over Canada.

Elliott Simpson NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Last In, First Out: Two Decades in Afghanistan

Bagram Air Base – once the bastion of coalition forces in Afghanistan – is now empty of U.S. and NATO troops, bringing an effective end to their presence in the country. Elliott Simpson reflects on what should be acknowledged, and hopefully learned from their efforts over the past 20 years.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

The Indo-Pacific Takeaway: How can NATO build up its resiliency to China and a contentious global order

In this article, Junior Research Fellow Andrew Erskine identifies how a contentious Indo-Pacific can strategically maneuver NATO to preserve transatlantic prosperity by renewing its resiliency to Chinese cyber and economic coercion.

Hailey Clarke Society, Culture, and Security

Book Review: The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis by Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac

In this article, Hailey Clarke reviews The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis by Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac (2020), the key architects of the UN-sponsored Paris Climate Agreement in 2015.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Colombia Protests, NATO Partnership, and Democratic Principles

Over the last two decades, NATO has advanced its enlargement policy, welcoming new members and partners. Colombia was the first – and currently, the only – Latin American country to become a NATO global partner, cooperating on issues such as cybersecurity and corruption. Both sides of this partnership work together to further their goals. Personnel Read More…

Eric Jackson NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Today’s Reporter, Tomorrow’s Historian: The Story of Sgt Donnie McDonald and Operation REASSURANCE

Canadians are proud contributors to international peace and security. Eric Jackson tells the story of Sgt Donnie McDonald, an Imagery Technician deployed to Latvia for over seven months as part of Operation REASSURANCE.