Afghanistan Arjun Singh Canada Lex et Orbis Morgane L. Holley NATO and Canada Previous Events

NATO’s Viceroy: The Commander-in-Chief’s Interview with David Lloyd Johnston

A bilingual discussion on the Constitution, national security and foreign policy with The Rt. Hon. David Johnston, the 28th Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over Canada.

Elliott Simpson NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Last In, First Out: Two Decades in Afghanistan

Bagram Air Base – once the bastion of coalition forces in Afghanistan – is now empty of U.S. and NATO troops, bringing an effective end to their presence in the country. Elliott Simpson reflects on what should be acknowledged, and hopefully learned from their efforts over the past 20 years.

Eric Jackson NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Political Accounting: Rethinking NATO’s ‘2 percent’ Rule

Is the ‘2 percent’ rule an effective way to measure a member State’s commitment to NATO? Eric Jackson explores how political manipulation in current defence spending misrepresents a nation’s military readiness and suggests a broader definition for security expenditures.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Is TikTok The Next Huawei? Why Some See a Video-Sharing App as a Threat to National Security

TikTok has been banned in India and the United States may follow suit. In his new article, Alex Johnson examines the TikTok controversy and assesses the app’s potential to compromise national security.

Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Uncategorized Women in Security

The Danger of Gender Stereotyping Canada’s ‘Jihadi Brides’

In this article, author Mary Peplinski explores the consequences gender stereotyping may have for national security and counterterrorism efforts in Canada. The article will focus specifically on the cases of women who are trying to return to Canada after leaving to join ISIS.

Security, Trade and the Economy Willow Hillman

CBSA Involvement in Border Security Television Show: Balancing Security and Individual Rights

In view of a potential renewal, Willow Hillman situates Canada Border Services Agency’s participation in the Border Security: Canada’s Front Line television show in the broader context of balancing national security with individual rights.