Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Is TikTok The Next Huawei? Why Some See a Video-Sharing App as a Threat to National Security

TikTok has been banned in India and the United States may follow suit. In his new article, Alex Johnson examines the TikTok controversy and assesses the app’s potential to compromise national security.

NATO and Canada

2020 Vision: The Need to Expand the Canadian Armed Forces Reserves

2020 has been rough for Canada and for the world. In this article, Justin Dell argues that the emergence of multiple security contingencies across the globe this year, many of which pose a direct threat to Canadians, necessitates that policymakers significantly enlarge the Canadian Armed Forces reserves in order to ensure that Canadian military personnel are not stretched too thinly as they respond to an ever-growing list of emergencies.

Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Uncategorized Women in Security

The Danger of Gender Stereotyping Canada’s ‘Jihadi Brides’

In this article, author Mary Peplinski explores the consequences gender stereotyping may have for national security and counterterrorism efforts in Canada. The article will focus specifically on the cases of women who are trying to return to Canada after leaving to join ISIS.

Centre For Disinformation Studies Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Touraj Riazi

Event Intelligence, AI & Canada: Interview with Andy Ellis

Touraj Riazi had the privilege of interviewing Andy Ellis, current VP of Corporate Strategy at EVNTL. We discussed EVNTL, its use of AI and the implications. Andy Ellis was formerly the Assistant Director of Operations at the Canadian Security and Intelligence Services.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Touraj Riazi

Know The CCDCOE: Interview with Director Col. Jaak Tarien

Touraj Riazi had the privilege of interviewing Col. Jaak Tarien, Director of NATO’s Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE). The interview concentrates on the functions of the CCDCOE and how they enhance the Alliance’s cybersecurity. Canada is currently in the process of joining the CCDCOE.

Security, Trade and the Economy

Trade Diversification: Spotlight on Europe

When you walk into a grocery store in almost any country in the world you are undoubtedly reaping the benefits of trade. Whether in the increased selection or the price tag, globalization has certainly impacted the way we consume and do business. However, trade between two countries leaves both parties vulnerable to each other’s economic Read More…