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Ukraine’s Central Role in Europe’s Energy Security

Gas transit through Ukraine is a matter not just of energy security but of national security for Ukraine and other countries in the wider region. Russia showed its willingness to the weaponize gas trade when it cut off supplies to Ukraine and Europe in the middle of winter in 2006 and 2009. Many believe that Read More…

Energy Security Uncategorized

Le Gazoduc Transcaspien Pour la Consolidation de la Paix Dans le Caucase du Sud

Le Directeur du Programme de Sécurité énergétique Dr. Robert M. Cutler a participé le 2 février à la Conférence annuelle « Voisinages » organisée par l’Institut d’études européennes de l’Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, qui porte cette année le titre : Quid de l’après Covid 19 pour la relation entre l’UE et ses voisinages : compagnonnage renouvelé ou proximité Read More…


Hon. David Collenette Named Chair of the NATO Association of Canada

The NATO Association of Canada (NAOC) is pleased to announce its newly appointed Chair, the Hon. David Collenette, PC, LLD. Mr. Collenette succeeds the NAOC’s past Chair, Ms. Kathryn E Langley Hope effective October 16, 2020. The role of the NATO Association is to educate Canadians about the importance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to Canada’s peace, security and prosperity. At a crucial Read More…

Energy Security Uncategorized

What Energy Security Means For Canada and the World

Title: What Energy Security Means For Canada and the WorldFeatured Speakers: Dr. Robert M. Cutler Senior Research Fellow and Director, Energy Security Program NAOC; Allan Fogwill President and CEO Canadian Energy Research Institute; Dr. Monica Gattinger Director Institute for Science, Society and Policy University of Ottawa; Dr. Richard Norris Managing Partner Pandreco Energy Advisors Series: Energy Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Uncategorized

Galactic Peacekeeper or Warrior? Canada’s Choice

“I was saying it the other day—’cause we’re doing a tremendous amount of work in space—I said, maybe we need a new force. We’ll call it the space force,” remarked U.S. President Donald Trump at a speech in early 2018. “And I was not really serious. And then I said, what a great idea. Maybe Read More…

Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Uncategorized Women in Security

The Danger of Gender Stereotyping Canada’s ‘Jihadi Brides’

In this article, author Mary Peplinski explores the consequences gender stereotyping may have for national security and counterterrorism efforts in Canada. The article will focus specifically on the cases of women who are trying to return to Canada after leaving to join ISIS.