In the first installment of his three part series on the Syrian humanitarian crisis, Cameron Becker, non-profit fundraising consultant and guest contributor with the NATO Council, explores the humanitarian cost of Syria’s immense refugee crisis.
6. Regions
placeholder for regions
From Neighbours with Zero Problems to Twitter Enemies: Effects of #OccupyGezi Movement on the Turkish Foreign Policy
Nil Sendil on the consequences of Turkey’s protests on the country’s foreign policy objectives.
The Joint Support Ship Project: Canada’s Procurement Dilemma
With procurement issues complicating plans to update the Royal Canadian Navy, Paul Pryce suggests looking to foreign shipyards for a production boost.
Libya’s Loose Weapon Problem
Chris Edwards on the spread of Libyan weapons in Africa and the potential consequences of inaction.
The Changing Nature of Piracy: the Significance of Iranian Weapons Smuggling in Palestine and Africa
Brenna Owen discusses the implications of Iranian weapons smuggling on the current state of piracy around African coasts.
Censorship and Political Reform in China: A Silver Lining
Magan Haycock discusses the advantages of the Internet revolution in China, even in the face of overbearing censorship.
Securing Interests in Asia Pacific: An honest broker role for Canada
Canada has a lot of work to do to secure its interests in Asia Pacific. Taking on a role as a regional “honest broker” may be the best option.
CIMSEC – West Africa: An Ounce of Prevention
As the threat of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea grows, Paul Pryce proposes a preventive measure: training assistance for West African naval forces.
When can you negotiate with terrorists?
Tyler Amos comments on terrorist negotiations and the US decision to initiate talks with the Taliban in Qatar.
Austria’s Golan Heights Withdrawal: The Cost of Escalation?
Daniel Troup discusses Austria’s withdrawal from the Golan Heights and Europe’s divided approach to the conflict in Syria.