Middle East Region

Africa Asia-Pacific Canada Diplomatic Relations Eastern Europe and Russia Global Governance Latin America Malcolm McEachern Rights Security Society Society, Culture, and Security The Middle East and North Africa

The Kenyatta Trial Suggests that the ICC is Still a Work in Progress

In his latest article, Malcolm McEachern discusses the limitations of the International Criminal Court.

Defense Diplomatic Relations Egypt Global Governance Islamic State Sayde-Hope Crystal Security Society, Culture, and Security Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa

Canadian Embassy in Cairo Closed Until Further Notice

In her latest article, Sayde-Hope Crystal discusses the closure of the Canadian Embassy in Cairo due to threats posed by the terrorist group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, a relative newcomer among the Middle East’s seemingly endless supply of armed Islamist factions.

Culture Diplomatic Relations Israel Palestine Refugee Rights Sayde-Hope Crystal Security Society Society, Culture, and Security Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa

Early Elections and the Controversial ‘Nation-State’ Bill

In her latest article, Sayde-Hope Crystal discusses the dissolution of the Israeli Knesset and the controversial ‘Nation-State’ bill making its way through Israeli Parliament.

Africa Canada Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Development Emily Robinson Global Governance NATO and Canada Rights Security The Middle East and North Africa The United States of America

The Security-Development Nexus: The Prison of Old Concepts (part 2/3)

Emily Robinson explains intervening states and organizations such as NATO or the UN have to strike a balance during interventions in the global South.

Canada Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Global Governance International Law & Policy Iraq Islamic State Libya Mathieu Paul Dumont NATO and Canada Security Society Syria Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa

Recap: Montreal Roundtable of the Rise of ISIS

Points from Atlantic Council of Canada (ACC) roundtable on the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Africa Culture Diplomatic Relations Rija Rasul Security Society Society, Culture, and Security Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa Western Europe

Second Joint Declaration: The Path Toward Unity

In her latest article, Rija Rasul discusses the second joint declaration signed by Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, signalling their shared concern for the fate of Christians in the Middle East and the responsibility of Muslim leaders to denounce acts of terror in the name of Islam.