Victoria investigates the rhetoric surrounding the threatened closure of Dadaab Refugee Camp in Kenya, alongside an interview with LWF Livelihood Officer, Hilda, who currently works in Kakuma, Kenya.
Women in Security
Women in Security covers a wide-range of issues as it explores the link between women, security, and development. As a forum to stimulate discussion and instructive debates, the NATO Association of Canada will examine the ways in which women both contribute to and are the focus of Canadian and NATO defence and security initiatives. This program also offers a critical look at the structures and institutions that shape the role of women in security at home and abroad.
WARNING: This Post Should Make You Uncomfortable
UN Peacekeepers have once again been accused of sexual assault while deployed. Unfortunately, as women, we know our value in a male-dominated world, even at our most vulnerable.
NATO HQ Sarajevo Welcomes A New Commander: Stand Back, It’s a Woman.
On June 10, 2015, U.S. Army Brig. Gen Giselle Wilz became the first female commander and Senior Military Representative of the NATO HQ Sarajevo.
Facing the Black Flag: Nationalism and Retribution Amongst Kurdish Women
Exploring the convergence of the Kurdish nationalist cause and solidarity with women who have fallen victim to IS for Kurdish women fighting on the front lines in Iraq.
“Little Ladies Shouldn’t Play With Swords”
Victoria looks at the reality in the fantasy world of Game of Thrones. Women in both the show and reality, are often used as pawns in war and conflict.
The Deschamps Report: A “Sexualized Culture” In The CAF
Jenny investigates the Deschamps report on sexual harassment in the CAF. Can the “sexualized culture” described be eradicated?
From Benin City to the Shores of Italy: A New Hub of Human Trafficking
Seema explores the hidden world of human trafficking of Nigerian women into Italy, who are subsequently forced into the sex trade.
“Three Leafs” for the Woman In Blue: Lieutenant-General Christine Whitecross
Lieutenant-General Christine Whitecross becomes the first “three leaf” general in the Canadian Armed Forces. This appointment comes alongside the uncovered reports of sexual misconduct in the CF.
I’m a Steamroller Baby, and I Wear Camo Too
Victoria examines the role of women in the military through an interactive presentation. Take a virtual stroll through several countries and learn about the women who are shattering stereotypes.
A Tightrope of Commitment: UNSCR 1325
Maria Baginska examines the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 and questions the international community’s commitment to women’s involvement in security negotiations, as well as their overall rights.