Uber, a Silicon Valley start-up that offers users easy access to cheap and reliable transportation, has become extremely popular worldwide. Recently, the government of Delhi banned Uber after a 26-year-old woman accused an Uber taxi driver of rape. The accused later confessed to the crime and was arrested. Sexual violence against women is rampant in Read More…
Society, Culture, and Security
The NATO Association of Canada’s Society, Culture, and Security program takes a look at the issues that impact Canadians’ every day lives while connecting them to international relations. The program covers a wide range of topics, which include: pop culture, art, film, global events, and socio-political relations. In addition, Society, Culture, and IR aims to examine and provide in-depth analyses that relate international affairs to the interests of Canadian society.
The Possibility of a FIFA 2018 Boycott
Alia El Didi examines the possibility of a Western boycott of the 2018 FIFA World Cup to be hosted in Russia
Canada’s Anti-Terror Legislation: Balancing Freedoms and Security
Eric Sabiti looks into Bill C-51 and discusses its ramifications on security and surveillance.
Ideological Warfare and The Use of Propaganda
Considering the level of global interconnectivity in the 21st century, Christopher Abbot asks the question, how are political actors using propaganda to influence their audience?
Food for Thought– Future Challenges of Agricultural Production
Malcolm examines how agricultural production has hit a wall, and discusses what can be done to minimize the impact.
The Cold War’s Last Frontier: Where North Korea Meets South
Adena Eliasoph explores the history of rivalry on the Korean Peninsula, and the prospect of reunification following the 25th anniversary of the fall of communism in Europe. Adena shares a personal reflection and photos from her visit to the DMZ and Panmunjom in December 2014.
A Jordanian Response to ISIS: Section II
Section I of this series examined the Jordanian reaction to Lt. Moath Kasasbeh’s execution and concepts of legitimizing military operations through public sentiment in times of crisis. Military action, however, is not a clear-cut path to annihilating this extremist threat. Contesting ISIS’s influence must not be restricted to sheer military power, and should include ideological Read More…
A Jordanian Response to ISIS: Section I
Zaid discusses the public Jordanian reaction to Lt. Kasasbeh’s execution at the hands of ISIS. He explores publications regarding intensified Jordanian involvement in the coalition fight against ISIS.
Smart Defense, Group Procurement, and Interoperability: Examining the Current State of Affairs
Jenny Yang discusses increased arms cooperation and the facilitation of procurement among NATO members.
CSE and Project LEVITATION: Is Big Data a Deterrent to Terrorism?
Jenny Yang discusses the CSE’s bulk collection of data and explores notions of the collaboration of big data analytics and national defense policy.