On January 3 2016, Revolting, a BBC 2 sketch-comedy show, released an online skit called, “The Real Housewives of ISIS.” The skit introduces four wives of ISIS fighters, fulfilling their duty as “average” housewives. One scene shows two women awkwardly wearing the same suicide vest. Another depicts a woman chained to her oven, excited Read More…
Society, Culture, and Security
The NATO Association of Canada’s Society, Culture, and Security program takes a look at the issues that impact Canadians’ every day lives while connecting them to international relations. The program covers a wide range of topics, which include: pop culture, art, film, global events, and socio-political relations. In addition, Society, Culture, and IR aims to examine and provide in-depth analyses that relate international affairs to the interests of Canadian society.
The Rise of Post-Truths
Post-truth was named Word of the Year in 2016. Ashley McIntyre looks at how the rise of non-traditional news sources and personal opinions are overruling the truth.
Le populisme en France: la montée du Front National
Dans la troisième partie d’une serie de trois podcasts sur la politique dans le monde Francophone, Charlotte Le Vay, Charlotte Provost, et Megane Visette discutent de la montée du populisme dans la France d’aujourd’ui.
Le pouvoir du peuple minoritaire: la Wallonie bloque l’accord CETA
Dans une deuxieme partie d’une serie de trois podcasts sur la politique dans le monde francophone, Megane Visette, Charlie Provost et Charlotte Le Vay partage leur perspective sur la crise du CETA.
Fidel Castro: The “Wealthy” Rebel
After 49 years of ruling, Fidel Castro’s Cuba fell short of becoming a socialist miracle. Konstantinos Efthymiou writes a short brief on Fidel Castro in the aftermath of his fascinating life
Where will the Rohingya go?
In this detailed analysis, Juthika Hasan examines the plight of the Rohingya minority in Myanmar, and how other countries are responding to it.
The Unlikely Friendship: A Look Back on the Trudeau-Castro Alliance during the Cold War
How have Canada-Cuban relations evolved since Castro took power? Juthika Hasan extensively details this, along with the controversial Trudeau-Casto friendship.
Leaving the Whitehouse: Obama’s policy legacy and its lasting affects on North America
In her article article about Obama’s legacy, Ida Mannisto explores how closely two of Barack Obama’s key foreign policy legacies aligned with Justin Trudeau’s position on the issues.
Will Bulgaria and Moldova Tilt Towards Russia?
With the election of pro-Russian presidential candidates in Moldova and Bulgaria in November, some Western critics fear the further disintegration of the European project. Thomas Lee examines the votes in each country and the potential likelihood of a pivot to Moscow.
The Identity Politics of NAFTA: How Commercial Factors Undermine the Possibilities for Further Integration
In her article Ida Mannisto explores of the commonly neglected cultural aspects of NAFTA