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Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Nabil Bhatia

Low-Tech Terrorism and Vehicle-Ramming Attacks: A Growing Threat

Recent attacks in London and Stockholm highlight the growing popularity of vehicle ramming as a tool used by jihadists. Nabil Bhatia presents a brief analysis of the tactic and argues that the trend of vehicle-ramming terrorist incidents will likely continue.

Mitchell Haid Security, Trade and the Economy

Where is Greece Now? An Examination of the Debt Crisis

As its debt continues to grow, Greece must avoid defaulting on debt repayments by securing an additional bailout package from its international creditors. Mitchell Haid examines the severity of Greece’s debt crisis and the approach its European and international partners are taking.

Camille Bélanger Mathew Z. Borden NATO and Canada

5 Things to Watch for at the 2017 NATO Meeting

NATO leaders will meet this week in Brussels. As the NATO heads of state gather at the newly built NATO headquarters this Thursday, there are many important security issues and new political developments for the leaders to discuss. Here are five things to watch at the upcoming meeting.