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NATO and Canada NATO Operations Uncategorized

The United States Stands Alone: A Review of “Red Dawn” (1984)

In this film analysis, Justin Dell looks at the alternative history flick, “Red Dawn” (1984), and teases out some of the details of the movie that speak to the apocalyptic mood that existed in the early 1980s, when relations between the United States and the Soviet Union were at their nadir. The film’s principal themes of readiness and sacrifice are as relevant to today’s world as they were 35 years ago.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Intelligence & National Security Julia Schaumer Security Terrorism

The Case of “The Toronto 18”: Interview with Former Undercover Operative Mubin Shaikh

In part two of a two-part interview series, Julia Schaumer interviews former undercover operative Mubin Shaikh about his involvement in foiling prospective terrorist attacks by “The Toronto 18”.

Centre For Disinformation Studies Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Ryan Atkinson

Sorting Fact From Fiction: Trolls, Bots, and the Erosion of Informed Debate

Ryan Atkinson discusses the dangerous implications of future political influence operations, arguing that research must work to understand how current operations will incorporate advancing technologies.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats de-radicalization

The Road to Radicalization: An Interview with Former Undercover Operative Mubin Shaikh

In this interview with Julia Schaumer, Mubin Shaikh reflects on the various events in his life which led him to go from a path of radicalization onto one of complete transition to de-radicalization.

International Relations NATO NATO and Canada NATO Operations The Middle East and North Africa

Interviewing Nicola de Santis, NATO’s Head of Middle East and North Africa Section

In this interview Sivan Ghasem asks Mr. Nicola de Santis, head of section of the
Middle East and North division in NATO’s Political Affairs and Security Policy Section about the Mediterranean Dialogue initiative at NATO.