placeholder for programs

Canadian Armed Forces Isabelle Ava-Pointon

The Canadian Armed Forces Commemorate the Last Hundred Days of WWI

As the centenary of the First World War draws to a close, the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of Defence have stepped up their programs of remembrance. Commemoration is a political act that signals to partners and competitors that Canada remembers its past military successes engages with its heritage, and is ready to serve again in the future if necessary.

NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Woodrow Wilson and World War I, One Hundred Years On

On the centenary of the end of World War I, people from democratic societies should look back and appreciate how much they have benefited from the rules-based international order that was proposed by Woodrow Wilson after that conflict. Justin Dell looks at what the world stands to lose if Wilson’s legacy is discarded in favour of a return to an anarchic world of great-power rivalry.

Julia Schaumer Women in Security

La crise vénézuélienne a un visage féminin

Au cours des cinq dernières années, l’état du Venezuela a continué de se détériorer; laissant sa population faire face à une urgence humanitaire. Dans cet article, Julia Schaumer souligne comment les femmes ont particulièrement ressenti les effets de cette grave crise économique.